The Uncomfortable Truth About Church
As Western Christians, we’ve been conditioned to approach church with a consumerist mindset. We often treat it like a product to be evaluated, asking questions like: Does it meet my needs? Does it have the right features? Does it make me look good? But this approach fundamentally misunderstands the nature of church.
The Church: A Community of Misfits
The New Testament church was comprised of people from vastly different backgrounds, like Jewish and Gentile Christians. These individuals didn’t always get along, and loving them required effort. Yet, it’s in these difficult relationships that God is honored. By embracing the challenges of loving those who drive us crazy, we demonstrate the power of the gospel at work in our lives.
Beyond Consumerism
When we view church as a product to be consumed, we miss the opportunity to showcase the supernatural gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to see it in action, not stuck in neutral. By loving those who are hard to love, we discover true, affectionate friendships that testify to the transformative power of the gospel.
Loving the Unlovable
So, what do we do with “those” people in our church who drive us crazy? If loving them were easy, how would that demonstrate the power of God’s saving work in our lives? Instead of acting as consumers, we must choose to love those who are difficult to love, simply because of Jesus.
The Power of Unity
Unity in the face of diversity glorifies God and strengthens the church’s witness. It’s not about uniformity, but about embracing our differences and loving one another despite them. By doing so, we showcase the gospel’s power to transform lives and bring people together.
A Practical Guide to Unity
Jamie Dunlop’s book, “Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy,” offers 8 truths to help readers cultivate God-exalting unity in their church. As an associate pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Jamie has seen firsthand the importance of loving those who are hard to love. By following these practical principles, we can discover true unity and showcase the gospel’s power in our lives.
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