Unlocking the Treasures of Wisdom
The road to Emmaus was a journey like no other for two unsuspecting disciples. Their companion, the Lord Jesus, was the ultimate teacher, and His interpretation of Scripture was unparalleled. With humility, He took on the role of a preacher, unashamed to share the gospel with an audience of two. Even today, He remains willing to guide individuals, one by one, on their spiritual journey.
The Unrivaled Tutor
Jesus chose the most authoritative textbook – the Holy Scriptures. Instead of revealing new truths, He preferred to illuminate the old. By starting with Moses and the prophets, He demonstrated that the path to wisdom lies not in speculation or human knowledge, but in meditation on the Word of God. This treasure trove of divine wisdom is waiting to be unearthed.
Mining the Quarry of Scripture
When Jesus wanted to enrich others, He drew from the rich resources of Holy Scripture. The two disciples on the Emmaus road were privileged to consider the most sublime of subjects – Jesus Himself. As He explained the Scriptures concerning His own identity and work, the “diamond cut the diamond” in a majestic display of divine teaching.
The Master of the House
Our Lord spoke with ease about the sweetest of topics – His own divine nature and mission. He unlocked the doors of His own domain, inviting His guests to feast at His table. In doing so, He revealed that the Lord Jesus is both our teacher and our lesson.
A Call to Meditation
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to neglect our spiritual nourishment. Have you been spending quality time in God’s Word lately? If not, how can you prioritize your study of Scripture? Perhaps it’s time to rediscover the joy of meditation on the Word of God, where you’ll find the Lord Jesus waiting to guide you on your spiritual journey.
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