The Unconditional Value of You: Understanding God’s Unwavering Love

The Unwavering Value God Places on Us

As I reflect on my devotional readings, I’m struck by the profound insights of Charles J. Rolls, who masterfully explores the multifaceted attributes of God. One particular aspect that resonates deeply is God’s role as the Valuer.

God’s Estimation of Our Offerings

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous examples of God’s valuation of our gifts and services. In Leviticus 27, the Lord instructs priests to estimate the value of all donations made to Him by the Israelites. This emphasis on valuation is reinforced by the repeated phrase “thy estimation,” which appears twenty times in the passage. It’s clear that God places a high value on what we offer to Him.

The Story of Peter: A Lesson in Valuation

Take, for instance, the story of Peter, who, despite his initial reluctance, lent Jesus his boat to teach the crowds. After a miraculous catch, God rewarded Peter’s obedience with an abundance of fish. This episode illustrates Christ’s prerogative to estimate the value of our gifts and services, whether they be grand or humble.

Mary’s Precious Act of Worship

Then there’s the poignant story of Mary, who poured expensive perfumed oil on Jesus’ feet. Jesus valued her selfless act of worship, declaring that it would be remembered wherever the gospel was preached. He cherished her sacrifice of love, demonstrating that He understands the cost of giving.

The Widow’s Mite and the Value of Gratitude

We’re also reminded of the widow who gave two mites, as well as the ten lepers who were healed, with only one returning to express gratitude. Jesus’ response, “Where are the others?” underscores the importance of acknowledging God’s blessings.

God’s Omniscient Care

As Charles Rolls so eloquently puts it, “He weighs the burden of a sigh, he measures the pain of our heartaches, he senses the sorrow of severance from our loved ones, he perceives the motive of a desire, and discerns the aim of an aspiration.” God’s valuation of our lives is unwavering, unchanging, and unconditional.

The Ultimate Price of Redemption

We’re reminded that God’s love for us is so profound that He paid the ultimate price to redeem us from sin and death. As Ephesians 1:18 affirms, we are “His own precious treasure.” God, the Valuer, places the highest value on who we are, what we do for Him, and what we give up for Him.

A Prayer of Gratitude and Wisdom

May we recognize and cherish the value God places on our lives. May we ask for wisdom and courage to value the things that He values, and may we express our deepest gratitude for His unwavering love and redemption. Amen.

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