Embracing the Unknown: A Life of Faith and Adventure
As believers, we’re called to live a life of purpose and adventure, just as Jesus commissioned his disciples in Acts 1:8. But what does this look like in practice? For many women, the idea of uprooting their families and starting anew can be daunting, even fearful. They crave stability and comfort, with every box unpacked and every picture perfectly placed.
The Tension Between Settling and Trekking
However, there are others who thrive on change and excitement, eagerly anticipating the next chapter in their journey. Theologian John Calvin encouraged Christians to embody both aspects, being “trekkers and settlers.” This means moving with determination into new territories, influencing society, and then putting down roots, building lives, and seeking the peace and prosperity of their new communities.
A Legacy of Faith
The first-century Christians were scattered due to persecution, yet the apostle Peter reminded them that they were chosen by God and that their faith would ultimately result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. We, too, experience various seasons in life, sometimes called to be trekkers, other times settlers. Our role as Christians is to remain attentive to God’s whispers, ready to move or stay as He directs.
Confidence in God’s Provision
Wherever God places us, we can trust that His Spirit will supply our needs, enabling us to be a blessing to those around us. I’m grateful for my grandparents, who bravely left their comfort zones to settle in a new country. May I, too, exhibit that same willingness to be God’s person, wherever He calls me, for Kingdom purposes that transcend safety and security.
A Prayer for Courage
Dear Father, help me express that same willingness to be your person, in whatever place you call me to, for purposes greater than my own desires. May I trust in your provision and guidance, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.
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