The Forgotten Miracles
When Faith Falters
Have you ever found yourself questioning God’s power and goodness in the midst of adversity? You’re not alone. The Israelites, too, doubted God’s abilities when they faced their own “Red Sea” moment. Despite witnessing His miraculous deeds, they soon forgot His kindness and rebelled against Him (Psalm 106:7-8).
A Personal Reflection
I was reminded of this recently when I recalled a conversation with my dad. He shared a story about a troubled individual who refused to believe in the Bible because he had never seen a miracle. My dad’s response was remarkable – he spent two hours recounting the numerous miracles he had experienced in his life! This encounter left me wondering: could I do the same?
The Danger of Forgetfulness
It’s easy to lose sight of God’s power and love when we’re faced with difficulties. We begin to question His intentions, assuming He’s set us up to fail or that He’s a capricious God who takes pleasure in our struggles. But this perspective stems from forgetfulness. We’ve forgotten the ways God has demonstrated His might, love, and grace in our lives.
Remembering the Miracles
Rather than forgetting, let’s choose to remember and hold close our “God-sightings.” When disillusionment sets in, we must recall the treasure trove of miracles God has performed in our lives. Let’s bring them to light and cling to their truth, even when our circumstances seem bleak.
A Prayer of Confession
Dear Jehovah God, we confess our short-sightedness and forgetfulness of Your great work in our lives. Teach us to remember, to treasure these miracles in our hearts, so that when times get hard and our way is dark, we will recall the light and see our way back to You. Amen.
By embracing our “God-sightings” and remembering His miracles, we can navigate life’s challenges with faith and confidence, rather than doubt and fear.
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