Unlocking the Power of Gentleness

As I revisit the pages of “The Glorious Pursuit” by Gary L. Thomas, I’m struck by the profound impact of embracing the virtues of Christ. The author’s words paint a vivid picture of a life transformed by compassion, patience, discernment, and gentleness.

A Life of Radical Transformation

Imagine a life where you’re motivated by beauty, generosity, and nobility, rather than lust, selfishness, and deceit. This is the inheritance Jesus desires for us, a life where we’re transformed into people who reflect His character.

The Gentle Touch of Christ

One chapter, “The Caressing Life,” delves into the virtue of gentleness, highlighting Jesus’ own description of Himself as “gentle and humble of heart” (Matthew 28-30). We’re also reminded to “let our gentleness be evident to all” (Philippians 4:5). But how do we apply this in everyday life?

Real-Life Encounters

Jesus’ interactions with people in the Gospels show us that He was gentle with those who sought Him sincerely, yet firm with those who tried to deceive Him. So, how do we balance gentleness with discernment?

A Personal Reflection

Recently, I faced a situation that tested my ability to embody gentleness. Two women appeared at my doorstep, stranded with a broken-down car, and asked to use our phone. My initial hesitation stemmed from past experiences with dishonest individuals. However, I knew I had to choose between responding with fear or with faith.

The Power of Surrender

In that moment, I realized that embracing a gentle spirit requires surrendering to Christ and asking Him to develop that spirit within me. And here’s the amazing part: God always provides the resources we need to obey Him. As Philippians 2:13 reminds us, “For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey Him, then helping you do what He wants.”

Wisdom to Discern

By surrendering to Christ, we can trust that He’ll give us the wisdom to know when to be gentle and when to be firm. This isn’t about being naive or weak; it’s about being empowered by God’s Spirit to respond to situations with grace and discernment.

Embracing the Virtues of Christ

As we strive to embody the virtues of Christ, we’ll discover that gentleness is not just a feeling, but a choice. A choice to trust God, to surrender to His will, and to allow Him to transform us into people who reflect His character. Will you join me on this journey of embracing the virtues of Christ?

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