Preserving the Integrity of God’s Word: The ESV Bible Update
The English Standard Version (ESV) Bible is a trusted and widely used translation, with over 315 million copies distributed worldwide since its initial publication in 2001. To ensure the ongoing accuracy and fidelity of this beloved Bible, the ESV Translation Oversight Committee (TOC) has been diligently working to maintain a faithful, stable, and standard ESV text.
A Commitment to Excellence
The TOC, a standing committee of the Crossway Board of Directors, is dedicated to preserving the inspired and infallible Word of God. While remaining open to considering changes that improve accuracy and clarity, the committee is committed to avoiding frequent text updates, ensuring that the ESV Bible remains a reliable and enduring resource for Christians worldwide.
Recent Updates: A Limited but Significant Revision
In the summer of 2024, the TOC met to consider a limited number of changes to the ESV text. After careful review, the committee made text changes to 36 Scripture passages involving 42 verses, resulting in a total of 68 word changes. This represents a change of about one word per 11,000 words in the ESV text. Additionally, a limited number of changes were made to 57 footnotes, and a few additional changes were made to punctuation in 14 verses.
Notable Revisions: Genesis 3:16 and 4:7
One significant update involves Genesis 3:16 and 4:7, where the committee changed the translation of the Hebrew preposition ‘el from “contrary to” back to the original translation “for.” This change provides a more natural translation, preserving the range of interpretive options in the Hebrew. The conjunction “but” has also been changed to “and” to avoid imposing a contrast not explicit in the Hebrew text.
John 1:18: A Clarifying Update
Another notable update appears in John 1:18, where “The only God” has been updated to “God the only Son.” This change incorporates the concept of descent and maintains concordance with other occurrences of monogenēs in the New Testament. The rendering “only son” for monogenēs is consistent with ancient translations of the New Testament.
A Testament to God’s Providence
The ESV Bible’s remarkable growth, with over 315 million copies distributed, is a testament to God’s providence and abundant blessing. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:7).
A Sacred Trust
The ESV translation committee and the Crossway Board of Directors have undertaken their work with full awareness of the gravity of their task, relying on the Lord’s grace, mercy, strength, and providence. As the ESV Preface reads, “We know that no Bible translation is perfect, but we also know that God uses imperfect and inadequate things to his honor and praise.”
To God Alone Be the Glory
We are grateful for all those who love the truth and beauty of God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit in their original writing, without error in all that Scripture teaches, trustworthy and true for all of life and forever. To God alone be the glory!
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