Embracing the Art of Discipleship: Avoiding Common Pitfalls
As we embark on the journey of discipling others, it’s essential to be aware of potential pitfalls that can hinder our efforts. By recognizing these common mistakes, we can approach discipleship with wisdom and humility.
The Dangers of Possessiveness
Well-intentioned individuals may fall into the trap of possessiveness, viewing those they disciple as their own. However, it’s crucial to remember that these individuals belong to Jesus, who has called us to partner with Him in their spiritual growth. As Paul reminds us, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Cor. 3:6–7). No single person can completely disciple another; instead, we should point them to other faithful Christians who can provide additional guidance.
The Importance of Local Church Involvement
In our enthusiasm to disciple others, we may overlook the vital role of the local church. Parachurch ministries can be helpful, but they often lack the biblical authority and design to facilitate spiritual growth. As believers, we should prioritize involvement in a local church, where we can be built up by people from all walks of life under the oversight of godly elders.
Overcoming the Fear of Man
Fear of man can be a significant obstacle in discipleship, leading us to withhold truth or avoid difficult conversations. However, Proverbs 29:25 warns us that “the fear of man lays a snare.” Instead, we should trust in the Lord, who is our ultimate authority. By doing so, we can love others with authenticity and humility.
The Need for Flexibility
Discipleship is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Life is messy, and our plans must adapt to the unique circumstances of those we’re discipling. Rigidity can hinder love and confuse others about God’s character. We must be willing to adjust our approach to meet the needs of those we’re serving.
Avoiding Guilt and Hypocrisy
As we disciple others, we’ll inevitably encounter setbacks and failures. It’s essential to remember that we’re not responsible for others’ responses or sins. We should avoid guilt and instead focus on our own response to God. Additionally, we must beware of hypocrisy, ensuring that we’re instructing ourselves as well as others. Remaining teachable and accountable is crucial in our own spiritual growth.
Recognizing Our Limitations
We must acknowledge our limitations in discipleship, recognizing that our availability and ability will change throughout our lives. We can’t be everywhere for everyone, and we shouldn’t try. Instead, we should strive to be faithful in the work God sets before us, pointing others to Him who knows what we don’t know. By doing so, we can enjoy the liberty that comes with recognizing God’s all-sufficiency.
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