Worshiping God, Not Ourselves: A Biblical Vision for Corporate Worship

Worshiping God, Not Ourselves

As a nurse, I’ve seen the importance of a clear vision statement in our hospital’s monthly staff meetings. It reminds us of our larger goal and helps us prioritize our actions. Similarly, the Bible provides a vision for local churches, guiding us on what to prioritize in corporate worship.

A God-Centered Focus

Unfortunately, many Christians create their own personal vision statements and impose them on the church. We think the church exists to cater to our preferences or give us a certain feeling or experience of worship. But corporate worship isn’t about us; it’s about God. We worship according to His desires, not ours.

The Dangers of Idolatry

The Bible warns us of two ways to commit idolatry: worshiping something other than God, and worshiping God the wrong way. Many Christians avoid the first path but are unaware of the second. As a result, we let entertainment culture, tradition, or personal preferences dictate what we do in church. This is not only unfaithful but also self-destructive.

Recognizing Our Purpose

To make the most of Sunday services, we need to recognize that it’s not about us. It’s about worshiping God in the way He commands and according to His desires. Corporate worship isn’t about having a personal quiet time with other Christians; it’s about gathering with God’s people, checking our preferences at the door, and worshiping the one true God.

God’s Purpose for Gathering

Scripture shows us that God assembles His people to exalt Him and edify one another. Throughout history, God’s people have gathered to worship Him, from the tent of meeting in the wilderness to the temple in Jerusalem. In the new covenant, the church continues this pattern of gathering to worship God corporately.

Two Reasons for Gathering

God gathers His people to worship Him for two reasons. First, gathering encourages and edifies the saints. When we’re together, doing what God has called us to do, we build one another up in our most holy faith. Second, gathering with the saints for worship indirectly acts as a means of evangelism. An unbeliever who enters our gathering should recognize through our corporate worship that God is really among us!

Our Role in Corporate Worship

When we gather, we should be governed by God’s word, not our preferences. We’re not just spectators; we’re the church, and each one of us has a role to play. We honor and exalt the Lord Jesus when we come to corporate worship ready to serve others. Our faithful attendance and service edify the congregation, and our presence strengthens one another.

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