The Power of Habits in Shaping Our Spiritual Lives
As we journey through life, many of us have come to realize that meaningful transformation doesn’t quite work the way we thought it did. We’ve learned that it’s not just about feeling a certain way or experiencing a dramatic emotional shift. Rather, it’s about cultivating habits that shape our character and identity.
The Biblical Foundation of Habits
Scripture has a lot to say about our emotions, but it also emphasizes the importance of habits in our spiritual growth. In the Old Testament, God commands his people to make regular sacrifices, offerings, and to gather for worship and feasts. These practices were designed to train their spirits and shape them into holiness. Similarly, in our spiritual lives, habits such as reading Scripture, prayer, and faithful membership in a local church are essential for growth.
Habits Create Habitats for Our Hearts
Habits have a profound impact on our identity and desires. They shape who we are and what we value. As James Clear notes, every habit is like a suggestion: “Hey, maybe this is who I am.” By pursuing habits that align with our justified identity in Christ, we can transform our character and become more like Jesus.
Pursuing Habits Consistent with Our Identity
Paul writes in Colossians 3:1-4, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” This is a call to practice habits that are consistent with our identity in Christ. By doing so, we can cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and direction.
Cultivating Habits in a Digital Age
So, what kind of habits should we cultivate in the pursuit of Christian wisdom in a digital age? One habit might be to resist the constant pull of digital technology. Consider setting aside one hour each day to retreat from digital distractions and focus on more meaningful activities. Identify the specific channels through which the web dominates your attention and find alternative ways to engage with the world.
Resisting the Dominance of Digital Technology
In a world where digital technology is ubiquitous, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant stream of information and distractions. But by being intentional about how we engage with technology, we can cultivate habits that promote deep thinking, reflection, and spiritual growth. By doing so, we can rediscover the joy of focusing on what truly matters and find rest in God’s perfect design.
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