Morning Worship: Finding Harmony Amidst Life’s Distractions
As I sit in quiet contemplation, surrounded by the majestic beauty of nature, I’m reminded of the importance of cultivating a heart of reverence and adoration. But on this particular morning, my attempts at worship are disrupted by the cacophony of birds outside my window. Their usual melodic songs have given way to harsh, discordant squawks.
The Culprit Revealed
I glance out the window to discover the source of the commotion: a mischievous squirrel, its bushy tail wagging with glee, is taunting the birds from the fence. The moment it ceases its antics, the birds’ singing resumes, and an eerie silence falls over the scene. This encounter prompts me to reflect on what disrupts my own worship. Is it the weight of a packed schedule? Subconscious self-absorption? Unforgotten slights?
Identifying the Distractions
Unlike the squirrel, which can be ignored, my calendar demands attention. However, I can take control of other distractions that hinder my worship. I can intentionally focus on Jesus, laying my hurt feelings at the cross and blessing those who have wronged me. But what about the “squirrels” that refuse to disappear? The hurtful comments, the debilitating illnesses, the fractured relationships? In those moments, I must retreat to the quiet places with God, just as the birds do.
Finding Refuge in God
The old Negro spiritual echoes in my mind: “Some bright morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away.” While that promise is true, I can also “fly away” in the midst of life’s turmoil by sitting quietly with God, asking Him to refresh and renew my spirit. No more discordant notes! Lord, remind me when my heart is out of tune with yours. Renew that right spirit within me, that my songs may honor you.
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