Unshakeable Salvation: Breaking Free from the Performance Trap

The Assurance of Eternal Life

Many Christians struggle with uncertainty, wondering if they’re truly saved. Their behavior can be inconsistent, veering from strength to weakness, devotion to doubt. This fluctuation often leads to self-doubt, causing them to question their salvation.

The Performance Trap

Conventional wisdom would have us believe that our salvation is dependent on our performance. As long as we stay above a certain line of behavior, we’re accepted by God. But what happens when we dip below that line? Do we risk losing our salvation? This mindset can lead to a life of anxiety, hoping to die on a spiritual high note.

Jesus’ Unwavering Promise

But Jesus’ words offer a radically different perspective. In John 10:28, He declares, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish throughout the ages…and no one is able to snatch them out of My hand” (AMP). This promise is unconditional, unshakeable, and eternal.

God’s Unrelenting Grip

God doesn’t let go, and He won’t let go of you! His grip on your life is secure, regardless of your performance. You can rest assured that your salvation is not dependent on your strength or weakness, but on His unwavering love and power.

Embracing Eternal Security

So, how can you break free from the performance trap and embrace the assurance of eternal life? Remember that your salvation is a gift, not a reward for good behavior. Trust in Jesus’ promise, and rest in the knowledge that God’s grip on your life is unshakeable.

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