Sow Now, Reap Later: Don’t Miss Your Harvest

Seizing Opportunities: Don’t Let Harvest Time Catch You Empty-Handed

As I turned the pages of my Bible, one verse stood out to me like a beacon: “Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.” (Proverbs 20:4) The words resonated deeply, prompting me to pause and reflect. Was I guilty of being a sluggard? Not in the classical sense, perhaps, but I couldn’t deny my tendency to procrastinate.

The Definition of Sluggard

I turned to Google for insight, and the definition surprised me: “slow.” It wasn’t about being lazy; it was about being slow to act. I realized that I had been dragging my feet on certain writing opportunities, despite being busy with other tasks. Just as a gardener must plant during the planting season to reap a harvest, I needed to prioritize these opportunities before it was too late.

The Planting Season is Short

God’s Spirit whispered to my spirit, urging me to take action. I recalled the importance of reorganizing my priorities during gardening season, when every moment counts. It was time to apply that same sense of urgency to the opportunities before me. The planting season is fleeting, and I didn’t want to face harvest time with empty hands and regret.

What Seeds Has God Given You?

Perhaps you, too, have opportunities, relationships, projects, or ministries that God has placed in your care. Take a moment to reflect on what seeds you’ve been given. Are you holding onto them, waiting for the perfect moment to act? Don’t let fear, doubt, or procrastination hold you back. Wrap your fingers around those seeds, prepare the ground, and get to work with the harvest in mind.

A Prayer for Guidance

Father God, thank you for speaking to me in the stillness. Help me recognize the seeds you’ve entrusted to me. Guide me as I plan my days, making time for “garden work.” Water these seeds with your wisdom, inspiration, and blessing. May I not be empty-handed in harvest time. Thank you, Lord, for your encouragement. I pray this in Jesus’ strong name, amen.

Take the First Step

What seeds has God given you? How will you invest them? Take the first step today, and watch how your faithfulness can lead to a bountiful harvest.

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