Embracing Humility in Relationships
As followers of Christ, we are called to submit to one another in love, just as Ephesians 5:21 reminds us. This biblical principle has far-reaching implications, not only in our marriages but also in our interactions with others.
A Lesson in Cultural Sensitivity
During a recent Bible study, I was struck by a memorable experience from my time in Nigeria. Our group was privileged to attend the premier showings of the JESUS film, translated into a local language. We were hosted by the national staff and had the opportunity to meet remarkable leaders, including a tribal chief. The warm welcome we received was overwhelming, but what struck me most was the cultural norm that women were not allowed to look at a man’s face. They had to keep their eyes lowered when speaking to them.
The Struggle for Control
My initial reaction was one of resistance – why should I have to lower my eyes? But God intervened, and I realized that we were guests in their country. For the sake of our hosts and the customs of Nigeria, I chose to submit. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about humility and cultural sensitivity.
The Daily Choice
In our daily lives, we face numerous opportunities to choose between submitting to others or seeking control. Whether in our marriages, friendships, or professional relationships, we must constantly decide whether to yield to others or assert our own will. The only way to do this with a good attitude is when Christ is at the center of our lives.
A Prayer for Humility
Father, we confess that we often struggle with wanting control. Thank You for Jesus’ example of total obedience to Your will. We plead for Your mercy and grace to empower us to yield to You and Your will. May we learn to submit to one another in love, just as Christ submitted to the Father.
Reflecting on Our Relationships
As we reflect on our relationships, let us ask ourselves: Are we seeking to control or to submit? Are we willing to humble ourselves and yield to others, just as Christ did for us? May we learn to embrace humility and submission, and in doing so, honor Christ in our relationships.
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