Wrapped in God’s Unwavering Protection: A Cloak of Love and Righteousness

The Unwavering Protection of God

In the earliest days of humanity, God preached a sermon unlike any other. Without words, He conveyed a powerful message through symbol and action. In Genesis 3:21, we see God covering Adam and Eve, protecting them from the consequences of their actions. This divine act of love sets a precedent for His relationship with humanity.

A Robe of Righteousness

We, too, have eaten our share of forbidden fruit, spoken words we shouldn’t have, and ventured into territories we shouldn’t have entered. Yet, God’s response remains the same. He sheds innocent blood, offering the life of His Son, and from that sacrifice, He takes a robe – not of animal skin, but of righteousness. Instead of telling us to shape up, He dresses us Himself, clothing us with Christ (Galatians 3:26a-27).

A Cloak of Love

God’s protection is not just a one-time event; it’s an ongoing reality in our lives. We can look back and see instances of His protection, guiding us away from harm and towards His plan. I recall a personal experience where God closed doors to a movement that later became a cult, while opening doors to a life-changing experience in Brazil. Two decades later, I see the wisdom of His protection.

Guarding and Strengthening

God’s protection is not limited to grand, dramatic events. He guards us from the mundane dangers of everyday life, keeping us from bad relationships, wrong jobs, and harmful influences. As Isaiah 31:5 says, “Like hovering birds, so will [the LORD Almighty] protect Jerusalem.” The Bible reassures us that “He will strengthen and protect you” (2 Thessalonians 3:3) and “He will command his angels to guard you” (Psalms 91:11).

Dressed in Love

God’s protection is not just about keeping us safe; it’s about dressing us in His love. Max Lucado reminds us that God has clothed us with Himself, enveloping us in a cloak of love. As we reflect on our lives, may we recognize the countless ways God has protected us, and may we trust in His unwavering commitment to guard and strengthen us.

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