Unlocking God’s Grand Narrative: A Conversation on Scripture’s Unifying Theme

Unveiling the Beauty of God’s Eternal Plan

A Conversation with Jonathan Gibson on the Bible’s Grand Narrative

Nancy Guthrie sits down with renowned professor and author Jonathan Gibson to explore the fascinating theme of God’s people being prepared as a bride throughout Scripture, culminating in the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation.

A Richer Daily Devotion

Jonathan shares the inspiration behind his latest book, Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he sought to enrich his daily devotions by incorporating prayers from church history. The result is a 31-day daily liturgy that guides readers through a fixed order of worship, featuring prayers from notable figures like Augustine, Anselm, Luther, Calvin, and Spurgeon.

The Power of Written Prayers

Nancy inquires about the use of written prayers, citing her own upbringing in a tradition that viewed them as cold and rote. Jonathan counters that even Jesus taught his disciples a rote prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, and that the heart behind the prayer matters most. He believes that reading and praying written prayers can actually increase engagement and intimacy with God.

From Genesis to Revelation

Shifting gears, Nancy asks Jonathan to explore the connection between Genesis 1-3 and Revelation. He explains that understanding the beginning of God’s story in Genesis is crucial to appreciating the culmination of that story in Revelation. Using the analogy of a seed growing into a tree, Jonathan illustrates how the first few chapters of Genesis contain the DNA of biblical revelation, which unfolds throughout the rest of Scripture.

The Grand Narrative Unfolds

As they delve deeper into their conversation, Nancy and Jonathan will uncover the beauty of God’s eternal plan, tracing the theme of God’s people being prepared as a bride throughout Scripture, and ultimately, to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation.

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