The Dangers of Humanism: How Elevating Humanity Threatens Christianity

The Deception of Humanism: A Threat to Christianity

In our ongoing exploration of the major “isms” that shape our modern world, we turn our attention to humanism. While there is a legitimate concern for human welfare and dignity, philosophical humanism is a worldview that is fundamentally at odds with Christianity.

The Essence of Humanism

At its core, humanism is a philosophy that elevates humanity to the center of the universe, making us the ultimate authority and measure of all things. This is a stark contrast to the Christian worldview, which recognizes God as the supreme ruler and creator of the universe. Humanism’s central tenet is that everything revolves around humanity and exists for our glory.

A Biblical Example

The Bible provides a striking example of humanism in the story of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. In Daniel 4:30, Nebuchadnezzar proudly declares, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” This statement embodies the essence of humanism, where everything is seen as a product of human ingenuity and existing solely for human benefit.

God’s Judgment

However, God does not tolerate such arrogance. Nebuchadnezzar’s boastful claim is met with God’s judgment, and he is driven out to live among the beasts, reduced to a state of insanity. It is only when he acknowledges God’s sovereignty and recognizes that everything exists for God’s glory that his sanity is restored.

Modern Humanism

Fast-forward to modern times, and we see humanism manifesting in various forms. The Humanist Manifesto of 1933, Humanist Manifesto II of 1973, and A Secular Humanist Declaration of 1980 all espouse a philosophy that rejects traditional theism and instead emphasizes human reason and self-reliance.

Consequences of Humanism

So, where does humanism lead? Ultimately, it results in the deification of self, where humanity is elevated to the status of a god. This has far-reaching consequences, including a growing disregard for others and a focus on personal gain and self-interest. As Herbert Schlossberg notes in his book Idols for Destruction, humanism has led to the creation of idols such as history, money, nature, power, and even humanity itself.

A Warning to Christians

As Christians, we are warned not to conform to the patterns of this world, including the deception of humanism. We must recognize the dangers of elevating humanity to the center of the universe and instead acknowledge God’s sovereignty and supremacy. By doing so, we can avoid the pitfalls of humanism and remain faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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