Make Time for What Matters: Prioritizing Bible Reading in a Busy World

Time for a Reality Check: How Much Time Do You Really Spend on Bible Reading?

Imagine having someone shadow you for a day, observing your every move. What would they see? Would they notice a consistent commitment to Bible reading, or would it be a rare occurrence?

Assessing Your Daily Habits

Take a step back and evaluate how you spend your time. From waking up to bedtime, what activities dominate your day? Work, social media, TV, exercise, or something else? Now, consider how much time you dedicate to reading the Bible. Is it a priority, or does it get pushed to the side?

You Have More Time Than You Think

Many of us assume we’re too busy for Bible reading, but is that really true? Let’s examine our daily routines more closely. We might be surprised to find pockets of time that could be allocated to reading Scripture.

Reevaluating Your Schedule

Consider this: if you spend just 15 minutes a day on Bible reading, that’s 91 hours per year. Break it down further, and you’ll find that’s equivalent to reading the entire Bible cover-to-cover in about 6 months. Suddenly, it doesn’t seem so daunting, does it?

Prioritizing Bible Reading

In a world where distractions abound, it’s essential to intentionally make time for Bible reading. By doing so, we can deepen our understanding of God’s Word, foster a stronger faith, and develop a more meaningful relationship with Him.

A New Perspective

So, take a fresh look at your daily schedule and identify opportunities to incorporate Bible reading. You might be surprised at how easily it can become a part of your daily routine. Remember, every minute counts, and the benefits of regular Bible reading are well worth the investment.

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