Reviving the Heart of Evangelicalism: A Call to Gospel Integrity

Rediscovering the Heart of Evangelicalism

Evangelicalism is at a crossroads, struggling to maintain its identity in a rapidly changing world. With criticisms of anti-intellectualism and cultural irrelevance, many are questioning whether the label “evangelical” is still worth fighting for. Michael Reeves, author of “Gospel People,” argues that the solution lies not in abandoning the term, but in returning to the gospel that defines it.

The Integrity of Evangelicalism

Reeves emphasizes that the greatest challenge facing the church today is not better leadership or orthodoxy, but gospel integrity. This means embracing the supremacy of Scripture, living with humility and grief for sin, and pursuing a lifelong pursuit of heart transformation. Only by embodying these qualities can evangelicals reclaim their identity and effectively proclaim the gospel.

Unity in Diversity

Partnerships and coalitions have always been a hallmark of evangelicalism, enabling churches and organizations to work together across denominational lines. Reeves argues that these partnerships are essential for expressing unity in the gospel, but they must not be seen as establishing that unity. Rather, the gospel itself is the source of unity, and our partnerships should reflect this.

Responding to Criticisms

Mark Noll’s classic book “The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind” highlighted the anti-intellectualism that has plagued evangelicalism. Reeves agrees that this problem persists, but suggests that the root cause is pride rather than a lack of intellectual curiosity. He argues that a clearer heralding of the glory of God will overcome our self-satisfied, smug anti-intellectualism and inspire us to long to know God better.

Conversions to Catholicism and Orthodoxy

Reeves notes that many evangelicals are converting to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, drawn by their perceived historical roots and aesthetic appeal. He suggests that evangelicals need to show the historical rootedness of their beliefs and demonstrate the spiritual beauty of the gospel, which eclipses even the greatest physical beauty.

Proclaiming the Gospel in a Post-Truth World

In a culture where objectivity is often dismissed, Reeves argues that we must still herald the truth of the gospel, but do so in a way that embodies its goodness and beauty. We must guide people to see the superior coherence and attractiveness of the biblical worldview, rather than simply trying to win an argument.

Living Out Evangelical Integrity

Reeves emphasizes that integrity is not a small application, but an all-encompassing one. It means living as people of the supremacy of Scripture, redemption, regeneration, and gospel-driven joy. He encourages individuals to prioritize ortho cardia, a lifelong pursuit of heart transformation, and to embody the gospel in their daily lives.

A Call to Unity and Faithfulness

Reeves will be hosting a conference in November to explore how the gospel functions as the center of a distinctly evangelical identity. He invites readers to join him in Atlanta to discuss how we can be people united by, gelled together by, and held by the gospel.

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