The Power of Radically Ordinary Hospitality
In a world where strangers are often viewed with suspicion, and neighbors are merely acquaintances, there is a different way to live. It’s called radically ordinary hospitality, and it’s changing lives.
A New Way of Seeing People
Those who practice radically ordinary hospitality see people differently. They don’t reduce individuals to categories or labels. Instead, they recognize the image of God in every human being. They understand that they, too, are sinners, no better or worse than anyone else. This perspective fosters humility and compassion.
Opening Doors and Hearts
Radically ordinary hospitality starts at home. It means opening doors to those in need, whether it’s a family displaced by a crisis or a neighbor who needs help with groceries. It’s about creating space for others, not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
Breaking Down Barriers
In a world where divisions run deep, radically ordinary hospitality bridges gaps. It brings people together, regardless of their background or worldview. It’s not about agreeing on everything; it’s about loving and respecting one another despite differences.
The Jesus Paradox
Jesus dined with sinners, but he didn’t sin with them. He lived in the world, but he didn’t live like the world. This paradox defines radically ordinary hospitality. It’s about being in the world, but not of it. It’s about loving people without condoning their actions.
Accompanied Suffering
Radically ordinary hospitality involves suffering alongside others. It’s about bearing the burdens of those around us, even when it’s hard. It’s about trusting God’s power more than our own limitations.
Faith in Action
Radically ordinary hospitality is evidence of faith in Jesus’ power to save. It’s not about grand gestures or public displays of piety. It’s about quietly serving others, day in and day out.
A Call to Action
So, what does radically ordinary hospitality look like in your life? Is it opening your home to a stranger? Is it listening to someone who needs an ear? Whatever it is, remember that it’s not about you; it’s about Jesus. And when we practice radically ordinary hospitality, we show the world what authentic Christianity looks like.
Ordinary Faithfulness
Feeding your faithfulness is an unremarkable practice in real-time. It’s unglamorous by the world’s standards, yet it is precious as it contributes to a life of holding fast to Christ. Ordinary faithfulness is enough, because it’s not about us; it’s about Jesus.
Practicing Hospitality in a Broken World
What does it look like to practice hospitality in a world that’s broken and divided? It looks like radically ordinary hospitality. It looks like loving people despite their differences. It looks like serving others, even when it’s hard.
Embracing the Call
So, will you embrace the call to radically ordinary hospitality? Will you open your heart and home to those in need? Will you trust God’s power more than your own limitations? If so, get ready to experience the power of radically ordinary hospitality.
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