Same-Sex Marriage: A Debate About Definition, Not Discrimination

Understanding the Debate on Same-Sex Marriage

As a pastor, I am concerned about the church’s stance on marriage and its impact on human flourishing. The debate on same-sex marriage has sparked intense discussions, and it’s essential to understand the underlying issues.

What’s at Stake?

The debate is not about controlling what people can do in their bedrooms or who they can love. Rather, it’s about what sort of union the state will recognize as marriage. Any legal system that distinguishes marriage from other relationships will inevitably exclude some unions in its definition.

The State’s Interest in Marriage

The state has an interest in promoting the familial arrangement where a mother and a father raise children. This is because kids do better with a mom and a dad, and communities benefit when husbands and wives stay together. Hundreds of studies confirm these statements.

Redefining Marriage

Same-sex marriage assumes that marriage is redefinable and that the moving parts are replaceable. However, this perspective ignores the importance of gender in parenting, procreation, and the flexibility of structures that lead to human flourishing.

The Right to Marry

While the right to marry is fundamental, it’s essential to distinguish between the right to marry and the state’s validation of every sexual relationship as marriage. The issue is not about expanding the number of people eligible for marriage but about whether the state will publicly declare and privilege a different way of defining marriage.

The Consequences of Redefining Marriage

Redefining marriage to include same-sex partnerships would publicly validate these relationships as bona fide marriages. This would enshrine in law a faulty view of marriage, one that prioritizes emotional bonds over the well-being of children.

Why Not Call a Truce?

Some may suggest calling a truce on the culture war and letting the world define marriage its way. However, this approach ignores the fact that the push for same-sex marriage has been predicated on the supposed bigotry of those who hold traditional views.

The Church’s Response

The church must not be naive about the consequences of redefining marriage. We must convince ourselves and others that believing the Bible does not make us bigots. We must also be prepared to face marginalization and name-calling for holding traditional views.

A Way Forward

Ultimately, the church’s response to the debate on same-sex marriage will depend on our commitment to Scripture and our willingness to engage in careful reasoning. We must look past talking points, read up on the issues, and avoid buying into slogans and insults. By doing so, we can honor Christ and promote human flourishing.

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