Seize the Moment: Using Halloween as a Catalyst for Gospel Engagement

Seizing the Opportunity of Halloween for Missionary Engagement

As the culture around us gears up to celebrate Halloween, Jesus’ missionaries are presented with a wide open door for engagement in their neighborhoods. Regardless of one’s views on the holiday and its roots, this Tuesday offers a chance to form new relationships or revisit old ones with renewed intentionality.

A Call to Intentional Engagement

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! By being more intentionally engaged, you can effectively walk through the open door that Halloween presents. To do so, consider asking the Spirit to open your eyes and ears to the real needs around you.

Gospel Fluency: A Key to Effective Engagement

What does it mean to be gospel fluent? According to pastor and author Jeff Vanderstelt, a person is gospel fluent when the gospel becomes their “mother tongue.” This means being able to listen to others well enough to hear their real longings or hurts and responding in a way that meets their needs and fulfills their longings.

From Gospel-ish to Gospel Fluency

To become truly gospel fluent requires more than just speaking “gospel-ish.” It demands a deeper understanding of the gospel and its impact on everyday conversations. By listening and paying attention, the Lord will give you the right words to bring the gospel to non-believers in a way that resonates with them.

Putting Gospel Fluency into Action

So, what does gospel fluency look like in action? It involves being attentive to the needs and longings of those around you and responding with the good news of Jesus. As you engage with others this Halloween, remember that the gospel has the power to impact every facet of life.

By embracing gospel fluency and seizing the opportunity of Halloween, you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around you. Will you take the challenge and walk through the open door of missionary engagement?

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