Human from Conception Scientific evidence and biblical testimony confirm that each child in the womb is a unique human person.

The Unborn Child: A Unique Human Person

Scientific evidence and biblical testimony both confirm that each child in the womb is a unique human person. According to Dianne Irving, a biochemist and biologist at Georgetown University, the process of fertilization transforms parts of human beings into a new, genetically unique individual.

From Gametes to Human Being

During fertilization, the sperm and oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced. This new being has 46 chromosomes, the characteristic number for a member of the human species. In contrast, gametes have only 23 chromosomes each.

What Makes a Human Being?

To be considered a human being, an organism must have the characteristic number of chromosomes for its species. The unborn child meets this criteria, with every cell in its body containing its own unique DNA. This distinct genetic identity sets the unborn child apart from any part of the mother’s own body.

Arguments Against Abortion

While not everyone is convinced by these arguments, there are other ways to make the case against abortion:

  • Treatment of a Baby after Birth: Would we think it right to allow a parent to kill a one-year-old child simply because the parent does not want the child or finds it a difficult burden?
  • Ultrasound Images: Modern ultrasound technology provides highly realistic images of the unborn child, which can have great persuasive force.
  • The Loss of Millions of Valuable People: Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, nearly 60 million children have been put to death through abortion. Many of these individuals would now be contributing members of society.
  • The Instinct of the Mother: A pregnant woman often has an instinctive sense that what is growing in her womb is not just a piece of tissue or a part of her body, but a baby.


The unborn child is a unique human person who deserves protection under the law. By understanding the scientific and biblical evidence, we can make a stronger case against abortion and promote a culture of life.

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