Loving the Unlovable in Church

Embracing the Challenging Members of Your Church

As a Christian, you’re called to love your neighbors, but what about those individuals in your church who push your buttons? Maybe they hold differing political views, or their personalities clash with yours. Perhaps they’ve hurt you in the past or consistently disregard your cultural background. How do you respond to “those” people?

The Struggle is Real

Jesus taught that the world will know we’re His followers by our love for one another (John 13:35). However, loving others isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s often the most challenging relationships that test our commitment to Christ’s teachings. As Jesus asked, “If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you?” (Luke 6:32).

Practical Guidance for Loving Difficult Church Members

In his letter to the Romans, Paul provides valuable insights on how to cultivate unity and love within the church. Here are seven tips to help you navigate challenging relationships:

  1. Focus on God’s Mercy: When struggling to love others, remember the undeserved mercy you’ve received through Christ. Reflecting on this mercy can flow into gratitude, which in turn fuels love for God and others.
  2. Prioritize Unity: When faced with differences, prioritize unity in Christ over personal opinions. Remember that your church body is incomplete without “those” people, and God has brought you together for a reason.
  3. Genuine Love: Strive for genuine, affectionate love that honors others, rather than just tolerating them. This kind of love is only possible when we focus on the hope we have in Christ.
  4. Forgiveness is Key: Forgiveness is essential for maintaining harmony in the church. However, forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. Sometimes, it means handing the demand for justice over to God and choosing to love despite past hurts.
  5. Understanding Different Perspectives: When disagreeing with others, try to see their perspective and understand how their position is motivated by love for Christ. This can help you love them more effectively, even in disagreement.
  6. Prioritizing Unity Over Personal Freedoms: When exercising your Christian freedoms, prioritize unity and love over personal preferences. Avoid using your freedoms in a way that might cause others to stumble or destroy the unity of the church.
  7. Endurance and Encouragement: Finally, pray for endurance and encouragement as you strive to live in harmony with others. Remember that the glory God receives from your unity is greater than any individual accomplishment.

By embracing these principles, you can learn to love even the most challenging members of your church and demonstrate the power of Christ’s teachings to a watching world.

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